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SRP offers tools that help you manage your account and payments. Find the solutions that work best for you.

Bills icon

Paso 1

Regístrate en SRP My Account™

Customize icon

Paso 2

Personaliza tu cuenta

Enroll icon

Paso 3

Account access anytime, anywhere

Monitoring and managing your energy usage with the tools in SRP My Account™ and the SRP Power® mobile app could help you save money and energy.

SRP ofrece opciones de pago y planes flexibles que se adaptan a tu presupuesto y necesidades.

Woman looking at M-Power app on her phone

SRP Power® App

Manage your energy usage on the go.

Planes de precio

Encuentra el plan de precio de SRP que mejor se adapte a tu estilo de vida y presupuesto.

Woman looking at price plans on couch

Make your account work for you